Pakistani Payment Methods
Direct Payments : EasyPaisa, JazzCash, SadaPay, NayaPay
Banks through PayFast : Al Baraka, Askari Bank, Bank Islami, Habib Metro Bank, JS Bank, Meezan Bank, NRSP, Summit Bank
** Merchant Charges Apply **
Wallets through PayFast : EasyPaisa, JazzCash, Upaisa, ZINDIGI
** Merchant Charges Apply **
Cards through PayFast : Master, VISA, PayPak, Union Pay
** Merchant Charges Apply **
Change site currency to Pakistani Rupee to see prices in PKR
Cryptocurrency Payment Methods
3. BTC (On request)
4. Processing Fee may apply.
Change site currency to US Dollar to see prices in US $
Online Wallet Payment Methods
1. Perfect Money
2. AdvCash
3. Webmoney
4. Processing Fee may apply.
Change site currency to US Dollar to see prices in US $
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